Conservation Center Improvements

Conservation Center Improvements
October 29, 2018
Max Maurer

We have been busy transitioning the turtles to fall temperatures in southern California at the same time our Conservation Center has undergone many improvements to the animal husbandry facilities during the month of October. The large greenhouse that houses the asian species of turtles got a major facelift, with all new enclosures and ponds to better fit the needs of the turtles living within. We sunk galvanized metal troughs into the ground to create individual ponds for our Chinese big-headed turtles. And began the process of updating the setups in the small greenhouse to fully maximize the space — we expect to have this complete by the end of next month.

Many thanks to the dedicated team who made all of this possible: Juan Hernandez, Lukasz Pogorzelski, Armando Jimenez, Noel Martinez, Julio Zarrate, Simon R., and Oscar Centeno!

Conservation Center Improvements
Conservation Center Improvements
Conservation Center Improvements

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