The Turtle Conservancy spearheads, collaborates on, and financially supports diverse research endeavors locally and globally, with a particular focus on species threatened with extinction. Every pioneering effort contributes to our overarching mission of safeguarding turtles and their ecosystems.
Help us explore and protect biodiversity — not just for the animals but also for our future.
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Southwestern Pond Turtle Research
The Turtle Conservancy’s Southwestern Pond Turtle Research Program is a multiyear initiative dedicated to protecting Southern California's only native freshwater turtle species, Actinemys pallida. Threatened by habitat loss, invasive species, and climate change, this vulnerable species is the focus of annual population monitoring and habitat assessments at two distinct sites in Ventura County. The research aims to understand population dynamics, health, and habitat quality to develop effective conservation strategies. In addition to its scientific goals, the program provides hands-on field research opportunities for interns, volunteers, and students from the nearby Thacher School, fostering education and active engagement in wildlife conservation.

Santa Fe River Turtle Project
The Santa Fe River Turtle Project’s research program focuses on studying 11 native freshwater turtle species through long-term capture-mark-recapture studies in the Santa Fe River drainage of North Florida. This work provides vital insights into population dynamics, habitat use, and environmental impacts. Recent efforts include tracking individual movements and examining contaminants, ensuring science-driven conservation for this biodiverse ecosystem.
The Pritchard Collection

In 2021, The Turtle Conservancy integrated into its programs one of the world’s most extensive natural history collections of turtles and tortoises, comprising more than 14,000 specimens representing 270 of the approximately 350-plus recognized chelonian species. Originally developed and curated by Dr. Peter Pritchard—an eminently renowned biologist, conservationist, and one of the world’s foremost authorities on turtles—this collection reflects his lifelong dedication to the study and preservation of chelonian diversity.

The Turtle Conservancy proudly supports the publication of critical scientific and conservation literature through the Chelonian Research Foundation. This includes the renowned journal Chelonian Conservation and Biology, the comprehensive Chelonian Research Monographs, and the vital references Turtles of the World and Turtles in Trouble. These publications advance global efforts to understand and protect turtles and tortoises by sharing cutting-edge research and raising awareness of the challenges facing these remarkable species.
The TC also publishes annually the Tortoise Magazine with stories on conservation, travels, art and turtles. The magazine can be purchased online.
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