News from the Front

News from the Front
January 14, 2020
Peter Paul van Dijk

In July of last year, TC subsidiary organization HABIO, A.C. purchased Rancho Guimbalete in Mexico, and since then progress has quietly been made to evolve the land management practices to benefit tortoises and other native biodiversity. The cattle that previously grazed the land were moved out at the time of purchase, and following the summer rains, the land looks now lush by Chihuahuan Desert standards. Clean-up activities have included dismantling and responsibly disposing of some internal fencing, feeding stations and other items that are no longer needed, while ensuring that any stray cattle that might find a way in from neighboring properties are swiftly rounded up and returned to their rightful owners.

Just before Christmas, HABIO board member Judith Rios, and TC programs director Peter Paul van Dijk did a week-long inspection tour of Rancho Guimbalete and Rancho San Ignacio, the other property making up the Bolson Tortoise Ecosystem Preserve portfolio.

As well as being in awe of the lush green desert landscape after the summer rains, Judith and Peter Paul also were deeply impressed by the dedication of the two caretakers of Rancho Guimbalete, Mundo and Rey, who have been caring for the land and its residents for several years and who recently became full-time employees of HABIO, A.C. They will soon be joined by a manager for the two properties, by which time we expect that improvements to San Ignacio, in particular, will accelerate. Top priority is to complete and repair San Ignacio’s perimeter fence to keep out stray cattle; other tasks include road improvements and continuing our and others’ tortoise and biodiversity monitoring work. 2020 promises to become a pivotal year for the Bolson Tortoise Ecosystem Preserve and we look forward to giving further updates.

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