Pond Turtle Search Continues

Pond Turtle Search Continues
June 26, 2021
Kelly Herbinson

Turtle Conservancy staff and interns spent a day in the field at Sespe Cienega, a site along the Santa Clara River corridor in Fillmore, California, planning for upcoming Southern Pacific Pond Turtle surveys at the site. The TC is partnering with the Santa Clara River Conservancy, who is working to restore the site back to its riparian and marshland glory.

The TC is working to determine the presence and demography of pond turtles at the site to help inform restoration practices for the site that will support a prosperous community of native turtles in the community. The day in the field proved useful.

Our team was able to come up with a basic survey plan for the complicated site that includes multiple, variable waterways and a network of old, irrigated watercress fields. We’re looking forward to getting out there again soon to start formal surveys and learn more about how to protect our local, vulnerable turtle species.

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