Sick Turtle Makes a Recovery Thanks to the Help of the Ojai Raptor Center

Sick Turtle Makes a Recovery Thanks to the Help of the Ojai Raptor Center

The Chinese-Big Headed Turtle patient at the TC’s conservation center after recovering.

August 29, 2024
Abby Roeser

Big-headed turtles (Platysternon megacephalum) are a critically endangered species from Southeast Asia. The Turtle Conservancy cares for a group of big-headed turtles confiscated by USFWS from animals recovered in food markets in China.

This spring, our staff discovered an oral/respiratory infection in our largest male, hampering his ability to eat, breathe, and swim. After weeks of treatment and antibiotics, we found him unresponsive in his infirmary tank. Immediate CPR was administered. (Yes, you can give a turtle CPR!) After regaining consciousness, we contacted Ojai Raptor Center (ORC) to use their oxygen ICU cage and surgical suite. There, we intubated the patient and continued oxygen supplementation. After about an hour of manual breathing, we left him in the ICU cage overnight at ORC. We were exhausted but incredibly grateful for the facilities and amazing support from everyone at ORC.

The next morning, we prepared for every outcome, but to our amazement, the turtle was bright, alert, and eager to climb out of the incubator! His gums were pink, indicating good oxygenation and circulation. We brought him back to TC to continue his care.

He’s now back to his old self, enjoying his favorite meals. And to top it off, he will soon be a father! One of our females, paired with him, just laid two fertile eggs. A new generation of endangered turtles is on the way!

A huge thank you to the Ojai Raptor Center for playing a vital roll in this turtle’s recovery! We are so grateful to for this collaboration with another local dedicated wildlife facility.

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