Summer Internship

Summer Internship
July 30, 2022
Manci Rasmussen

Meet our Summer Intern, Lily King! Lily is an upcoming senior at The Thacher School and her internship is focused on a more veterinary aspect of turtle conservation. Lily’s passion for animals caught our eye during her year in our Field Biology and Conservation class and this past month, she has exceeded our expectations by aiding in general animal husbandry tasks, and minor veterinary procedures under supervision that included beak trims, pit tagging, deworming and caring for animals under quarantine protocols. We also had some fun going out into the field and surveying for our native Southwestern Pond Turtles (Actinemys pallida). Lily, we’ve had fun learning alongside you, thank you for your dedication to turtles and for all your help this summer!

Summer Internship
Summer Internship
Summer Internship
Summer Internship

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