TC Fall Board Meeting

TC Fall Board Meeting
October 26, 2021
Turtle Conservancy

In late October, the Turtle Conservancy had the pleasure of holding our first (mostly) in-person board meeting in nearly two years. The three day gathering at our center in Ojai, CA was a much-anticipated chance for us to come together and update board members on our ongoing programs and discuss the future of the TC.

Guests of the meeting also participated in several field trips including a tour to the Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology, an outstanding natural history museum with a massive collection specializing in eggs and nests of birds. This was followed by a trip to our local Southwestern Pond Turtle field site. We were lucky enough to spot one of the elusive pond turtles in their natural habitat.

The Turtle Conservancy is so grateful to have such a talented, insightful, and supportive team of leaders.

TC Fall Board Meeting
TC Fall Board Meeting
TC Fall Board Meeting
TC Fall Board Meeting
TC Fall Board Meeting
TC Fall Board Meeting
TC Fall Board Meeting
TC Fall Board Meeting
TC Fall Board Meeting
TC Fall Board Meeting
TC Fall Board Meeting
TC Fall Board Meeting
TC Fall Board Meeting
TC Fall Board Meeting
TC Fall Board Meeting

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