TC Names New Board Chair
The Turtle Conservancy (TC) has recently appointed Dr. Cullen Geiselman as the new TC board chair, marking an exciting new chapter in our conservation efforts. This appointment brings with it a wealth of experience and dedication to environmental stewardship and species conservation.
Dr. Cullen Geiselman
Dr. Cullen Geiselman brings a robust background in environmental science and policy to her new role as TC board chair.
After graduating from Duke University with a BA in Environmental Science and Policy, Cullen Geiselman joined Bat Conservation International, where she taught bat research and land management workshops. She led natural history tours to Belize, Kenya, and Brazil, developed educational materials, and presented lectures nationwide. Seeking deeper insights into bats and conservation methods, she pursued graduate studies at Columbia University starting in 2003. Under the guidance of botanist Scott Mori, she spent two years at an isolated research station in French Guiana. Her research culminated in coauthoring "Seed Dispersal by Bats in the Neotropics" and earning her doctorate in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology in May 2010.
Currently based in Houston, Cullen Geiselman manages family business affairs and oversees the Cullen Trust for Health Care, a charitable trust supporting healthcare and research in the greater Houston area since 1978. She holds positions on the boards of the Houston Arboretum and Nature Center, the Houston Zoo, the Houston Parks Board, the Houston Advanced Research Center, and the Lone Star Coastal Alliance. As chair of Bat Conservation International's board, she remains active in bat conservation, collaborating with students in Africa and Latin America and managing the Bat Eco-Interactions database online.
Cullen Geiselman's introduction to the Turtle Conservancy came through John Mitchell, a passionate board member with a wide-ranging dedication to conservation, from bats to turtles—and beyond.
“I care about turtles and conservation because I care about our planet and the life it supports. All living things have a place and I relish in their diversity of form, function, and history. Turtles are special: they are old, have stood the test of time, and yet so vulnerable to human endeavors. They hold vast charisma in their relatively small, shelled bodies.”
— Dr. Cullen Geiselman
Geiselman's commitment to conservation springs from a profound reverence for our planet and its intricate biodiversity. Each organism, with its unique form, function, and evolutionary journey, holds a special place in her heart. Turtles, in particular, captivate her with their ancient lineage, resilience, and poignant vulnerability in the face of human impact.
Stepping into the role of Chair of the Board of Directors, Geiselman looks forward to guiding the Turtle Conservancy through its next phase of growth. With over two decades of accomplishments, including the establishment of living and museum collections in Ojai and significant land conservation projects in Mexico and South Africa, her vision is to unify these diverse efforts into a cohesive strategy that enhances impact and advances the Conservancy's mission.
In the years ahead, Geiselman is committed to collaborating closely with the dedicated team at the Turtle Conservancy and its global network of supporters. Together, they aim to ensure the survival and thriving of turtles—and all species—amidst the challenges of a rapidly changing world.