Totally Turtle Summer!

Totally Turtle Summer!
May 30, 2018
James Liu

Meet the Fishes – June 5th, 4-7 PM

The River Project invites all New Yorkers to come MEET THE FISHES! The student Wetlab is the summer home to native fauna from the Hudson River - fish, crabs, snails, and their newest residents, Diamondback Terrapins! Learn about animals’ ecology, touch a crab, and see turtles up close!

The event is on June 5th, from 4-7 PM on the south walkway of Pier 40 (West street and Houston Street, NYC). This is a FREE event, so bring the whole family, kids, and friends. There will be refreshments and raffle prizes! Click the button below for more information.

The Turtle Conservancy is proud to host the terrapin exhibit, home to rescued animals from Jamaica Bay and nearby areas.

Terrapin Nesting Project

Want to help save nesting terrapins from roads? Want to see how turtles lay eggs? Want to see baby turtles are release them into the bay?

Then come on down to Long Beach Island and check out our Terrapin Nesting Project, founded by Kathy Lacey. Volunteer opportunities exist all summer, for however long you can help, be it one day or the whole summer! Please click the button below for more information.

The River Project

Terrapin Project

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