Turtle Smuggler Sentenced

Turtle Smuggler Sentenced
September 24, 2021

In December of 2019 we shared the news of a turtle trafficking network that had been uncovered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the U.S. Postal Service. The two year long investigation documented a plan to illegally export over 769 native North American turtles (of many protected species) to China for the international pet trade. The investigation led to the arrest of a Chinese national and halted this particular operation. Nearly three years after his arrest, the man who pleaded guilty to purchasing and planning to export these turtles was finally sentenced earlier this month.

The smuggler managed to avoid prison time but in addition to probation, fines, and community service, he will recompense the Turtle Conservancy for the care of the seized turtles that were sent to The Turtle Conservancy for long term care. At present these turtles are unable to be returned to the wild, however, we are working with the AZA SAFE American Turtles program to identify their populations of origin for the possibility of release.

Read more about this case from the official Department of Justice press release and news article below:

Turtle Smuggler Sentenced
Turtle Smuggler Sentenced

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